Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Mid Year Review 2009

Exactly one year ago today, we issued our first Mid-Year Review as we launched an early version of our website:

Needless to say, it has been quite a year. Whether we look at what happened in the markets between September 2008 and February 2009, or if we examine the failure of half a dozen once-mighty financial institutions, or ponder the fate of millions of home-owners, they all reveal that it has been a very trying year. We could also consider the rising number of unemployed Americans or those caught up in Bernard Madoff's ponzi scheme, or the millions of college graduates under the yoke of student loans. Never mind the failing state governments or the impasse in Albany, N.Y. or the uncertainty of many banks. I honestly feel that the worst is behind us.

Last week's untimely death of entertainment icon, Michael Jackson, and yesterday's announcement by VIBE magazine that they were shutting down has once again proven that there is no certainty in life or in business.

However, despite all the gloom and despair that surrounds the financial landscape, we must remember that we have a new president in the white house who honestly gets it. And, while President Barack Obama addresses the macro-economic issues that are facing the country, we all need to address the micro-economic problems that are facing us. The president's power can only extend so far, we need to meet him halfway. That means solving your own problems and helping to solve those facing your community. Much love and respect go out to people like Lue Williams of Baychester CSA/Food Co-op (Community Supported Agriculture) who are in the trenches doing their part.

That said, as we cross into the second half of 2009, we must remember that life is full of pots of gold. But, in order to find them, you might have to weather some storms. It is part of the process. The ups and downs are what sharpen your skills and make you aware of the potholes and pitfalls you might encounter. Let the pressure create diamonds in your mind and hands.

So rather than leave you with a bunch of financial tidbits in this year's review, I'll leave you with three simple concepts.

1) Increase your earning potential.
2) Don't be afraid to get dirty.
3) Pay your bills.