Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Lift Your Anchor

"If you want to launch big ships, you have to go where the water is deep."
I don't know the origin of this phrase, but for some reason it has always stuck with me.

As you charter you course in life and business, there are certain checks and balances that you need to have in place to ensure that your vessel is sea worthy. So whether you have a single-seat rowboat, a two-person canoe, or an ocean liner, you still have to take some basic precautions before setting sail. Do you have enough fuel? Are there any tears in your sail? Is your deck clean? Have you checked the forecast?

Above them all, you must LIFT YOUR ANCHOR!!!

Chances are you will not get very far out to sea until you lift your anchor. Perhaps you are being held in port by fear. Or perhaps, you are having doubts on the course that you've plotted. Maybe your crew isn't as strong as you need them to be. It could be possible that you are in the wrong port of call. Whatever is holding you back needs to be left at the dock. Relieve yourself of any stress, anxiety, or dead weight that might be hindering your progress.


The law of inertia states that objects in motion, tend to stay in motion, so whether your venture is in its infant stages or fully grown, you still have to lift your anchor and move on to the next destination. The next goal. The next port of call. The next challenge.

There is a strong possibility that you have already made it through the perfect storm. Even if you've dropped anchor in open water to catch your breath, eventually you will have to lift it and continue the journey. Don't rest on your accolades, keep moving.

Please do not throw caution to the wind. In fact, I encourage that you thoroughly check all systems before venturing out. If you are in business, do the research. Know your customer. Know your competition. Know the business and your market. Who are you trying to reach and serve? Know it inside and out. Map you course. Plan an alternate route. Maybe you are starting small and might only need an extra oar. But if you dream of captaining the Black Star Liner, you better be prepared. You might need rescue boats in addition to life jackets. If you plan on really going to sea, you might need a tug boat to guide your path.

SIDE NOTE - With every big ship, there's a tug boat to guide its way. In life, your tug boat might be a good friend, a mentor, a coach, a spouse, or a partner. This person most often wishes you a safe journey and has your best interests at heart. A special thanks to all the tug boats that keep me afloat.

Once you have everything in place, say a prayer then LIFT YOUR ANCHOR.....

Go ahead, set sail on a new project. Set sail for a new accomplishment. Set sail on life. Set sail on your business.

LIFT YOUR ANCHOR, cast aside whatever is holding you back from taking that leap and know in your heart that the journey is just beginning.
