Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Focus on the Finish Line, Not the Hurdles

So I'm getting on train this morning and as I'm about to sit down I feel someone breathing on my neck. Well.......she wasn't really breathing on my neck, but she was very close.

Any way, after the awkward moment, I realized that it was a girl I worked with back in 1992. Both of our parents worked for a nursing home and were in the 1199 Union, so we got summer jobs at the same nursing home.

Oddly enough, she and I share the same birthday, but she is nothing like all of the other Aries I know.

Within our 30 minute train ride, she mentioned the word depressed 4 times, the word stressed 3 times, and was just overly miserable.

Her main issue was that she wanted to have children (3 to be exact), but came out of long relationship over a year ago. The second issue is that she is working, but hates her job. The third issue relates to the first. A few years back she had an offer to take a job out of state, but opted to stay for the sake of her relationship. Right now she wants to go back to school for medicine, but can't decide whether to go or not. Basically she feels that being 30 is the end of life as she knows it.

I beg to differ.

Like I told another friend of mine later in the day, some times you gotta focus on the finish line, not the hurdles in front of you.

In all the books I've read and all the stories of people overcoming difficult odds, none of them mention life being easy or stress-free.

In life you are going to face a lot of obstacles. Some of them will be easy to get over, others you might have to go around, but there will always be hurdles.

There will be hurdles at work, hurdles at home, financial hurdles, hurdles dealing with your health, hurdles concerning friends, family hurdles, social hurdles, political hurdles, and a lot more, but most of them can be scaled.

They will come at you fast, so you have to be on your A game in all situations. The only way to stop the hurdles is to drop out of the race and if you do that then all the hurdles you managed to get over were in vain. You have to focus on the finish.

That's where the pot of gold is. No one enters a race in the hopes of losing. Likewise one should not approach life expecting defeat.

The young lady on the train sounded like she was ready to throw in the towel. The honestly of it is that no matter what I said to her, her rebuttals were focused on all the mistakes she had made in the past.

Who doesn't have regrets? There are a quite a few things I wish I could change or have done better, but those hurdles are all in the past.

So as you go about your day, life, relationships, and business, remember to focus on the finish line, not the hurdles.

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