Friday, January 9, 2009

Everybody Has One.......

You know the old adage, "Opinions are like @$$holes, ....."

At no time in the history of mankind is this more true than today. In this age of instant messaging, twitter, text messaging, the internet, podcasting (I remember when I first heard this term), and blogging, anybody - I mean everybody - can voice their opinion to the world. When you think about it, that's a scary thought.

Imagine your elementary school lunch lady putting up posts about the need for balanced nutrition. Or that guy at the gym, you know the one - he insists on greeting everyone and doleing out lifting tips - but rarely ever breaks a sweat. In this age, their opinions and mine can be put out there freely.

Let me be the first to say that, I am not an expert. I am not some great sage or guru who has studied extensively in any particular field. I am not an authority of any given subject, nor am I overly opinionated. I am not a great writer, nor am I an official on language. Yes, I went to college, but so what, over 80% of millionaires in the U.S. do not have college degrees.

This blogging thing is completely new to me. We're all just trying to fill that need to be heard. Hoping that we can generate some buzz for our particular interests.

All that to say, read these missives with a grain of salt. Double check my facts and let's do our part to prevent the lunch lady from posing as a nutritionist.

No disrespect intended to the thousands of lunch ladies who feed our children. Like her, I too have one, plus I can be an @$$hole sometimes.


  1. Dude, I think I like this one the most so far. It is well put and it sort of sounds like a conversation we've had numerous times in the past. I tell you, if people could chime in our conversations, there would be a lot more happy and content people out there. Good one, keep 'em coming.

  2. insightful (is that a word lmao) you have sparked my interest! I may have to start a blog as well

  3. Thanks Coach Nic. You might as well start one, you have tons of life experiences to share.
