Monday, January 5, 2009

How I Lost $7300 (Plus Interest)

So.....when I was about 10, I decided that I was gonna save $1 a day. It was a simple decision.

At that point in life, I didn't need or want much. All I really cared for was this G.I. Joe man ("action figure" came much later), I think it was Storm Shadow.....or Snake Eyes...., definitely Storm Shadow. He was on Cobra Commander's side, sometimes, but he only came out for special missions, like the time they had those 4 black boxes that Cobra, Destro, and 'em were trying to use to control the climate around the world, remember that?

Any way, back then, the only way I knew of to make money was by returning empty soda cans and beer bottles (no I didn't drink them). It was my Saturday morning ritual, wake up, grab the family shopping cart and start making the rounds. Every 20 cans brought me $1 closer to Storm Shadow. It took me about 2 weeks to reach my goal, but even after getting Storm Shadow, I kept on returning empty soda cans. I wasn't trying to make a career out of it, but hey, why give up the easy money. Couple of hours of work on a Saturday morning, put a couple of bucks in my pocket, so why quit?

Back to that $7300 I lost.

After getting Storm Shadow, I figured, I could save $1 a day if I could collect 20 cans every day.
Simple right? That project lasted about a long as Storm Shadow's plastic sword........all of a month.

Over the years, I revisited this concept in various forms. $7 every week when work at the tailor shop. $2 a day when working at the nursing home. And the ambitous $5 a day when I was juggling shifts in the college cafeteria and working campus security. With two checks and numerous hustles, I was set.

Funny thing is, at 30, I should have that extra $7,300 lying around someplace, but I just can't seem to put my hand on it. I was gung-ho every time I started my savings plan, but something always came up, Storm Shadow, the special edition Storm Shadow, Kangaroos (w/zipper), girls, Garbage Pail Kids, roller skates, The Adventure's of Slick Rick, girls, that Guess Jacket, tuition, student loans, Cancun, the 4.6, the wife, get the picture.

If only I was more disciplined.

You know what, this year, I'm gonna stick to it. I figure if I could save $1 a day until I reach50, I could get to that $7,300 by then.


  1. Great blog bro! I know I totally understand your dismay in relation to trying to save. I believe we even tried starting a graduated scale savings program for each other. Don't know what went wrong on my part, but I'm sure it's one of the obstacles mentioned previously. Any advise on how to make it more constructive and beneficial?

  2. Thanks, Dude!! As recently as last year, I made it all the way to April, saving much more than $1 a day. The trick is to have more than once stream of income and to be disciplined. Work 2 or 3 days ahead when possible. For example, January has 31 days. If you save a dollar amount equal to the day of the month, by the 31st you'd have $495. Saving the minimum would give you only $31. Make it part of your daily routine and you'll be caked-up in no time. Today's the 7th, go out and find a way to make 7 bucks, then toss it into a shoe box.......hustla-style.
