Thursday, January 15, 2009

Make The Best Lemonade, Then Sell It

A couple of days ago I sent a friend of mine the link to my blog and asked for his feedback. I haven't really put it out there yet, so I wanted to get an honest opinion, before I really start sharing.

In a nutshell, he said that is wasn't personal enough. He said the voice was good, but that I need to include more details about my life, so that people could relate to it more.

Now would be a good time to revisit my previous post on opinions, "Everybody Has One", and other anatomical features.

I thought about what he said for awhile and like every other thing I read, see, or hear, I took it with a grain of salt.

You see, I already spoke about the fact that this format gives anyone the right to speak his mind. But, that doesn't necessarily mean that I have to share the gory details of my life. However, this is a finance related blog, so I guess it would probably benefit the reader to know a little more about my bankroll.

Let's see........I'm not rich.......yet. I'm not broke either. I have a job and in these times that alone is an accomplishment. But, I don't love it. Nor do I hate it. I don't even mind going to work everyday. Shit, I'm at work right now. Today was payday, plus I got an extra day's pay for some holiday....NICE. My credit is mediocre, I won't get tier 1 rates, but I won't get the shitty rate either. Right now I'm single, but my wife will tell you different. How's that for personal?

Or would you rather me tell you that I have bills piling up like everyone else, but I'm current on all of them. Does it matter that I have a shit load of credit card debt, but keep getting credit line increases? Would that make for a better blog? Does it matter that I'm super glad it's tax time? Aren't you? I already admitted that I'm not a finance guru, but I'm not hurting either, I'm still grinding.

In a previous blog, I mentioned that I've failed at many businesses, should I write more about them? Do you care that I've blown tons of cash trying to get richer? What makes for an interesting blog? I've tried, I've failed, and I trying right now, on many fronts. So would say, I'm spreading myself too thin, but how will you know your limits until you push the boundaries?

"More details," that's what he said.

My friend, the one whose opinion I so value, told me months ago that he was going to write a blog. The topic.......Escorts. He was going to blog about different Escort services in New York and how much bang you could get for your buck. This is his field of expertise. He was going to rate escorts and blog about it. This was around the time that Spitzer's client #9 status cost him his job. Sex sells, so he probably would have developed quite a following had he started blogging then. The timing would have definitely been right. This was pre-financial collapse, pre-recession, pre-Madoff, pre-9,000 Dow, and pre-everybody losing their jobs.

But, he never wrote one word.

Tons of advice and "you should do this" and "you should do that," but he never wrote one word. How's that for more details?

My friend could easily blog about being out of work, not necessarily unemployed, but out of work. He's a pro at that. He's damn near the authority on that. Better yet, he's a pro at finding jobs. Shit, since leaving high school, he's worked for over 110 different companies. Some for a day, some for years. He's even worked for me, but quit, he said I didn't pay enough and the work was too hard. Oh, and there was the time his girlfriend told him that working with me on the weekends was cutting into their quality time. He has a helluva resume, tons of experience, but no real job.

As for the topic........."Make The Best Lemonade, Then Sell It."

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