Thursday, January 8, 2009

When In Doubt, Keep Moving Forward

"Buy a Benz / I'll value your opinion then" - T.I. (I Can't Quit / Trap Muzik)

It's funny how sometimes you really don't hear what's said during a conversation until some time after it.

The other night (Sunday) I had a conversation with a friend of mine, real good dude. Being the new year and all, we decided to sit down and kick it about life and business. We must have spent about 3 hours just chopping it up. At about 2am, he bounced and I worked for another hour or so.

You see, I work for a good company, but I juggle like three separate businesses on the side. I use the term businesses loosely. According to Robert Kiyosaki, I have 4 jobs. I could live comfortably off of my paycheck, but like Kiyosaki, I don't particularly subscribe to the Suze Orman philosophy of "live with-in your means." Perhaps it would be better to say that I have 3 hustles. After all, they all bring in some sort of income routinely. Problem is, unlike my paycheck the consistency with the outside revenue streams in completely unpredictable.

But then again, LIFE is completely unpredictable. As I sit here, typing this missive, the power could go out, or I could lose my train of thought. I could leave here and get hit by a bus. We don't know what is going to happen, today, tomorrow or next week. However, we can always try to be prepared for whatever may come our way. Moving forward with your ideas, plans, and goals help to prepare you for opportunity.

You see, this big stable company that I work for, is hemorrhaging money. If the ax should fall on me tomorrow, what then?

Today however, was great. First off, it was payday, plus I made progress and money on two of the three hustles.

After the initial conversation with my friend, I had a singular moment of self doubt. It was that second where I was like damn, maybe I am doing too much. But, as I told him, when my phone rings, I never know what the call might be. It could be a call worth $1, $1 Million, or anything in between. So although I value his friendship and opinion, I have to keep moving forward.

Likewise, whatever you are working on, be it school, your job, or your business, just keep moving forward. People will never truly see the value or benefit in what you are doing until you pull up in something shiny. It's only natural to have occasional doubt, but don't let that deter you. Just keep moving forward. Sometimes you might have to adjust your pace, but keep moving forward. Take a rest when necessary, but keep moving forward.

All the forward steps, will eventually lead you somewhere, unlike standing still. Let, life pass others by, for you, let life move you forward.


  1. This was cool. The concept of "keep move forward" so real. In the next few months or even years I see a huge change of entrepreneurship coming about especially with the keep moving forward attitude that Obama showed. He will be a huge inspiration for everyone.

  2. Thanks Joe. Many people give up right before that breakthrough moment. Obama is definitely an inspiration. Good luck and prosperity with all of your endeavors.

  3. Dre, I loved this blog and I totally agree. Keep moving forward my brother. Peace, Love and Many Blessings Ruby

  4. Thanks Ruby!!! Likewise to you and yours.

  5. many of us lose sight of the big picture. Keep moving forward or life will def pass you by.
