Friday, January 16, 2009

See Further, Go Harder

Even though we are more than two weeks into 2009, I can't seem to shake the euphoria of November 4, 2008.

In less than 4 days, President-Elect Barack Obama, will be sworn into office as the President of the United States of America. Unbelievable!!

I just finished reading the Publisher's Page of this month's (Jan. 2009) Black Enterprise magazine and its publisher Earl G. Graves, Sr. puts it perfectly into perspective.

Mr. Graves writes that:

"This election year has culminated in a triumph that belongs to every American. Nevertheless, few would deny that when Obama is inaugurated it will be an indelible moment made possible by every African American who ever refused to accept the diminished roles once ascribed to us. It belongs to every African American who put asunder the restrictive bonds of racism, injustice, and inequality to defy the odds and achieve something lasting and great. This historic moment belongs to every African American over the centuries who earned recognition and distinction in business and science, in athletics and public service, in law and medicine, in education and the arts, in every endeavor - who regarded the limitation established by others not as an impenetrable ceiling but as the next floor, yet another level of achievement upon which to build."

At 30, my eyes have only witnessed so much, but Mr. Graves - who has lived at least two of my lifetimes is from the generation that gave birth to this day. His perspective is one that speaks history and relevance to these events. He even mentions that many from his generation have only dreamed of these times, but their labor has allowed us all to see further.

We are standing on the shoulders of giants. We know the names, they go back over 400 years in this country and thousands of years before that. We are standing not only on their shoulders, but also on their sacrifices, their blood, their tears, their passion, and their vision. From Olaudah Equiano to Marcus Garvey, who themselves stood on the shoulders' of others, to Sasha and Malia who share their parent's vision, we have no choice but to see further and go harder, not only on Tuesday, but everyday.

When Senator Barack Obama announced his candidacy, he did not think of one day, he visualized hundreds of days. Hundreds of hard days. From the primaries to the general election, his eyes were not focused inward, but outward on a better America.

It was a Garnett Silk type-vision that he possessed. It was that vision and the willingness to continuously go hard and see further that allowed for his victory. It was the common sense idea of campaigning in every state and seeking out every donation and voter, that led to this victory. It was the work of us all. But, that is what great things take, the work of many.

So as we get ready to celebrate, let us not lose focus on the work ahead. There will be plenty of it. Never mind that we are in a recession and the many people are jobless. There is plenty of work to go around, you just have to see further, and go harder to get it.

Whatever you've dreamed about or envisioned is possible if you can articulate that vision. That ability is what allows giants to give voice to a movement. The people will move, but they will only follow the loudest voice, so let yours be heard.

It is 2009, GO HARD, SEE FURTHER, GO HARDER, you're standing on the shoulders of giants.

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